Mini Nordic Trophy 2007
MACIEK T. - 30 lip 2007, o 08:59
" />Informacje dotyczące konkursu modelarskiego:
The exhibition will be indoors nearby the real truck exhibition. The day for the competition will be on Saturday the 25th of august. Competitors in Mini Nordic Trophy have to be there at the latest Saturday 9.00. By then shall all the models be classed and ready. Those who are responsible for the competition (STMC) will be there from Friday about 19.00.
Because the limited space, we cannot allow you to have your models in show-cases. Although you are allowed to have your models on a plate. Those who are responsible for the competition (STMC) reserve the right to place the models which are on a plate where they think it will be best.
The fee is 150 SKR for seniors and 100 SKR for juniors. You have to pay when you arrive to STMC:s show-case. The fee includes participation in Mini Nordic Trophy and the fee for the entry to the real exhibition.
You can send your application by mail at the following address: Swedish.tmc@telia.com, not later than 15th of august.
Class A Modelkits with or without standard trailer from Italeri or Revell.
Class B Rebuilt cars with accessories like Plastic Card, Evergreens, EMEK and/or other resin products. Delivery van, hook loader and so on with or without trailer.
Class C Model of an existing truck, with photo of the original truck. The photo must show how the original truck looks in reality.
Class D People’s choice.
Competition rules
Äź Plastic models in scale 1/24 – 1/25 is allowed in the classes A – G. Äź Rebuilt EMEK models with parts from Italeri or Revell are not allowed. Äź Rebuilt Italeri or Revell models with parts from EMEK are allowed. If it hasn’t been possible to use Italeri or Revell parts EMEK parts are allowed. Äź 5 models in each class/by competitor at the most Äź Only models built by the competitor will be approved Äź Those who are responsible for the competition (STMC) reserve the right to exclude models that doesn’t fit into any of the above classes. Äź Models that already have awarded a prize in Mini Nordic Trophy are not allowed to take part.
Voting procedure
STMC has during this spring tried to influence TRAILER to take over the responsibility for the voting procedure and for counting of the votes. As this hasn’t been possible the voting procedure will be as follows:
The exhibitors will vote on models in the classes A – C and the audience will vote on all models for People’s choice.
It is possible to vote until 16.00, when all votes will be counted. Johan Englund and Henrik Adolfsson will count the votes although they won’t take part in the competition.
Sincerely Swedish Truck Model Club
sbzdz - 8 sie 2007, o 20:24
" />Stary, bajka. Ja rozumiem, ale przypuszczam, że nie wszyscy tutaj posługują się swobodnie angielskim. Proponuję, żeby jeśli zamieszcza się teksty w językach obcych, zamieszczać również polskie tłumaczenie.
see you, old man ;D
MACIEK T. - 13 paź 2007, o 18:13
" />Są już wyniki i fotki tej imprezy: :- http://www.lastbilsmodeller.se/STMC/Uts ... /mnt07.htm
kierowca - 13 lis 2007, o 18:58
" />To zarzuce coś od siebie, ciężko było zrobić dobre zdjęcia z powodu bardzo ciemnego miejsca gdzie stały modele :-
Na początek piękność ;D
